Strange Connections: Ghosts, UFOs and Cryptids – Paul Eno
2016 Paul Eno, Strange Connections: Ghosts, UFOs and Cryptids Radio Host of Behind the Paranormal and author- MORE STRANGE CONNECTIONS: UFOs, CRYPTIDS and GHOSTS. In a combined 57 years of investigating paranormal phenomena, father-son researchers, authors and broadcasters Paul & Ben Eno have wondered why probes of reported haunted houses often lead to UFO cases, experiences with Bigfoot, and even encounters with outlandish life forms that have no label as yet. They’ve wondered even more why the military keeps turning up. By 2005 they had learned to investigate whole areas rather than just one location and/or family. The results have been stunning, and ongoing cases such as the Litchfield County, Connecticut, paranormal flap and the new Pennsylvania Triangle investigation keep racking up new data. It all lends credence to their contention: “Explaining the paranormal is not the problem. It’s handing the explanations.”
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DVD or mp4 file. 2016. 110 minutes.
Defective DVDs will be replaced at no cost.
Additional information
Weight | 16 oz |
Dimensions | 6 × 9 × .5 in |
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