
In this documentary film Hugh Lynn Cayce, the eldest son of famous American psychic Edgar Cayce, searches for proof of the human psyche, or soul, and it’s unlimited psychic potential. Hugh Lynn spent many years working with his father and, after Edgar’s death in 1945, continued to study and research all aspects of psychic phenomena throughout the world. In addition to talking about his father’s life and work, Hugh Lynn discusses Auras, Kirlian Photography, Psychokinesis, Psychic Healing, Thoughtography (with Ted Serios), Out of Body Projection and Posession. You will discover how to develop your own psychic abilities and some positive ways of applying them to your daily life. PSYCHE was produced by Bob Terrio in 1974 as a senior thesis project at the Rochester Institute of Technology in New York, and was an award winner at the New York Psychic Film Festival.

SKU: 4DAV002 Category: Tags: , , ,


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DVD or mp4 file. 1974. 30 minutes. Produced and Directed by Bob Terrio.


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Additional information

Weight 16 oz
Dimensions 6 × 9 × .5 in


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